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Saturday, January 3, 2009


Visualizing is something that is not talked about much. We see from our eyes and feel from our touch, but we lack to visualize ahead of ourselves. We can visualize our past, to see the pictures of what we went through, what happened to us or the good and bad times but we lack to visualize our futures. Why do we stop looking into the future? or Why dont we visualize where we want to be in the future? Our minds produce the pictures of our past that effects the pictures of today, so try this...Visualize yourself in where you want to be, what you want to create or what you want in life. Visualize those pictures in your mind, believe in them and build your road to your future pictures. Imagine how the inventors of our past visualized ahead of themselves to create what we use today. The light bulb, planes, computers, movies, the clock...They saw a vision in there minds of what they thought the world would be like, they believed in it and created lifes necessities. Visualize your future, your change in the future, your mark in the future, believe in it so much that your already convinced that you already know your future and you will live the rest of your days towards it. So, Visualize BIG and Visualize only the GOOD.

Make a difference and Be Peaceful,

Andre Elia