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Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Small World After All

Ever thought of how small the world is? I know I have. You sit there and just imagine the world working with or without you. It makes you feel like an ant in an ocean of storms. It makes most things feel untouchable or unbearable to you or even your imagination. Well things are not as far as you think.

Imagine that you can touch the whole world, that you can simply change the people around you or you can change the world completely. It can be as simple as a nice gesture like “have a nice day”, to giving a homeless person money or it can be as big as changing the occupation of your country through love and non-violence, as Ghandi did with India. Just imagine how much of the world you can effect. If you effect that one person’s day or life, just think how that person can change another persons life and so on and so on and so on. You just have touched thousands of people’s lives without any notice, without any attention, without any fame behind it. YOU just changed the world! Sometimes you just don’t need to know…just know that you changed that person’s life and hopefully, that person will return the favor to the next person. Because whether you believe in it or not, a higher being, power or GOD notices.

So, why not effect people in a positive way. In a helpful way, in way that you know you can help in. Weather it be financially or as rich and valuable as your words, YOU can make the difference. Just believe that it will touch the world and it will. Good deeds never go unspoken, they will live FOREVER.

Make a Difference and Live Peaceful,
Andre Elia

1 comment:

  1. Wow andre, those are some deep thoughts. I totally agree with every single word you typed!
    One of my favorite quotes:
    "If you have much, Give of your wealth. If you have little, Give of your heart"
