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Monday, February 2, 2009


We all have different views on what pressure really means to us. What does pressure mean to you? There are a lot of different kinds of pressures in this external world. Pressures of money, marriage, work, school, culture, living conditions, beliefs, over-scheduling, behavior, relationships, values and a lot more. Most pressures are caused by events or experiences in the external world perceived by your mind. Some might fold under the pressure of how hard something is or some cannot deal with pressure at all. Pressure if not controlled will change into Stress. Stress is the main reason that your mind and body will fall apart. If it isn’t the word stress then it is force, strain, depression and oppression. Your mind and body will slowly suffer with the strain you put on it. You will eventually lose who you truly are because of pressure and stress. We have all experienced a family member or friend who has changed because of life’s pressures. I am pretty sure that most of us have changed who we are because of life’s pressures. Some pressures will mix up your emotions so bad and break you down. Making you act in ways you have never seen yourself act or in a way you don’t want to act in. It will make some cry, some yell in anger, say unmeaning words or even just pass out. Pressure will cloud your mind and will not let you think clearly.

Let’s be realistic, YOU or the WORLD isn’t perfect. So, STOP TRING TO BE PERFECT!! Be the only thing you can be…YOURSELF. You cannot control everything that happens in the world but you can control how you receive and perceive certain experiences or events in your mind. You are the controller of pressure and stress.

Try these ideas out. Try not to crowd your schedule, leave time for yourself to understand and learn YOU. Find something that makes you relaxed. Read a book, take a long bath, watch TV, think of a funny moment or joke, yoga, cook, listening to your favorite songs, anything that makes your mind at ease. Make sure to get enough sleep, for sleep will wash away all the little things that just happened in your day and leave behind the things that should be remembered. Tomorrow is a NEW day. Think of change as a new challenge, in a positive way. Drop your pride for a little bit and build a support system for yourself. Ask for HELP! All of us need help from each other to hear, learn and understand others experiences or prospective on the external world. You cannot do it by yourself. Have the power to influence, affect and control pressure. Because the idea of pressure is not present until your mind makes it present.

Make A Difference and Be Peaceful,

Andre Elia

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Small World After All

Ever thought of how small the world is? I know I have. You sit there and just imagine the world working with or without you. It makes you feel like an ant in an ocean of storms. It makes most things feel untouchable or unbearable to you or even your imagination. Well things are not as far as you think.

Imagine that you can touch the whole world, that you can simply change the people around you or you can change the world completely. It can be as simple as a nice gesture like “have a nice day”, to giving a homeless person money or it can be as big as changing the occupation of your country through love and non-violence, as Ghandi did with India. Just imagine how much of the world you can effect. If you effect that one person’s day or life, just think how that person can change another persons life and so on and so on and so on. You just have touched thousands of people’s lives without any notice, without any attention, without any fame behind it. YOU just changed the world! Sometimes you just don’t need to know…just know that you changed that person’s life and hopefully, that person will return the favor to the next person. Because whether you believe in it or not, a higher being, power or GOD notices.

So, why not effect people in a positive way. In a helpful way, in way that you know you can help in. Weather it be financially or as rich and valuable as your words, YOU can make the difference. Just believe that it will touch the world and it will. Good deeds never go unspoken, they will live FOREVER.

Make a Difference and Live Peaceful,
Andre Elia

Saturday, January 3, 2009


"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live"

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

A cause. A cause is what Dr. King was talking about. A cause is something that you believe in so much that you will die for it. That you will go to the end of the world for. A cause is something that will change you, your loved ones, your community and the world. A cause is what people follow and believe in. It is something they cannot explain but believe in it so much that they also will go to the end to see it through. Of course, there are some bad causes in this world but it is up to you to make sure that your cause or the cause you believe in is a positive one or one that will change the world for a better tomorrow. Belief is what fuels a cause more than anything. Belief will create a fire inside you that you cannot explain, cannot run away from, that you cannot put off or forget about. Belief will create a cause in you to follow that cause or to create and fight for your own cause.

Now it's up to you…Create a cause that will inspire, encourage or spread a positive happiness, an undying hope, a heart full of courage, a truth, a way to help the helpless, a strong belief and most importantly the Power of Love. This world can change all because of YOU.

Make A Difference and Be Peaceful,
Andre Elia


What is your worst fear? Or what do you fear the most? There are many things we fear in our lives. Many have different prospective of what fear is. My personal fear is not being able to have children. The idea of not being able to be a father would kill me. But the most common fear is death. We mostly all fear things we do not understand. Like death, love, God, change, growth, a lost of something, religion, health, difference, financial comfort, family, injury, reality itself and many many more. Some fear so much that there day is consumed by what they fear than actually living life. You are so caught up in what you dont want to experience that what you are suppose to experience passes you by. Fear is something created by your mind. It is formed or built and maintained or controlled by your external world. What you are shown as fear is consumed by your mind and then projected out through your eyes as your fear. If you hold those images or ideas of what fear is, then you are controlled by fear and your external world. So, you need to let go. Let go of what you fear, face them and challenge them. It is a way to set your mind free of all worries, all scares and all fears. Just stay positive, be positive to your neighbor, love, have compassion and LIVE LIFE.

What if we all let go and lived everyday fear free? Try giving it a chance, because maybe being free is one of your fears.

Make A Difference and Be Peaceful,
Andre Elia


Not physical pain but mental pain. The feeling that is deep within you, suffering, distress, misery, all that makes your day, year or life go bad. The feeling of missing someone, losing a loved one, the break up of a forever relationship, loneliness, not getting that job, an illness, or things just not going your way. We all feel pain in our own ways, which sometimes cannot be controlled. Something must come from all this pain...pain equals strength. The strength to carry on, the strength for hope, durability and courage, the strength to get off of your knees and stand on your feet. Pain will sideline us, some worst than others, but it is up to you how bad you want to get back in the game. How much you have learned from this pain, how hard you have trained to over come this pain and to teach yourself how to avoid some of the pains we all go through. Strength is on the opposite side of suffering. Open your door to strength and let it take you into tomorrow. Let it take over your pain so that you can help others in pain and help yourself through life. For there will be more break-ups, more bedsides, more lonely days, more illness, more fights, more loss and most of all more pain.

Make a Difference and Be Peaceful,
Andre Elia


"There are no wrong choices. As long as you have the faith to make A CHOICE, then it has to be right. No matter where it leads you."

Your choices in life are the most powerful one thing you can do. For that one moment that you have to choose what road best suits you, that one moment that makes your mind see the outcome of each choice, then the faith to make a choice. Choices are what makes our lives so different, the choice to wake up or keep sleeping, the choice to smoke that joint or just say no, the choice to move to a different city, the choice to be with someone forever, the choice to go back to school, the choice of what religion to believe in, the choice to go for that dream career, the choice to change the channel, the choice to read this or pressing the X at the top corner. Just know that our choices are more powerful than we think. Take more time with your choices and have the faith to make a choice. Most people think that they have NO choice, that there are forced down one road and thats that. Everyone has a choice, it might be 2 roads or 100 roads, just take the time to overlook all your options and choices. For that 1 choice, will change your life FOREVER.

Make A Difference and Be Peaceful,
Andre E.


Visualizing is something that is not talked about much. We see from our eyes and feel from our touch, but we lack to visualize ahead of ourselves. We can visualize our past, to see the pictures of what we went through, what happened to us or the good and bad times but we lack to visualize our futures. Why do we stop looking into the future? or Why dont we visualize where we want to be in the future? Our minds produce the pictures of our past that effects the pictures of today, so try this...Visualize yourself in where you want to be, what you want to create or what you want in life. Visualize those pictures in your mind, believe in them and build your road to your future pictures. Imagine how the inventors of our past visualized ahead of themselves to create what we use today. The light bulb, planes, computers, movies, the clock...They saw a vision in there minds of what they thought the world would be like, they believed in it and created lifes necessities. Visualize your future, your change in the future, your mark in the future, believe in it so much that your already convinced that you already know your future and you will live the rest of your days towards it. So, Visualize BIG and Visualize only the GOOD.

Make a difference and Be Peaceful,

Andre Elia


"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.... The chain reaction of evil .. hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars .. must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."

---Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(15 January 1929 .. 4 April 1968)
Baptist minister and black civil rights activist; recipient of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize.

Theres not much that I can say to add on to these powerful words of Dr. King. Its sad to think that at his time of pain and suffering for people of difference is still going on in todays world. He was fighting mostly for black rights, but from his words you can feel that he was talking mostly for people of difference in every culture, race, sex or color. We all read the words of history in our schools, but how many of us LEARNED from the actions and words of HISTORY. The way the world is going...Maybe only few of us.

Andre E.