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Saturday, January 3, 2009


What is your worst fear? Or what do you fear the most? There are many things we fear in our lives. Many have different prospective of what fear is. My personal fear is not being able to have children. The idea of not being able to be a father would kill me. But the most common fear is death. We mostly all fear things we do not understand. Like death, love, God, change, growth, a lost of something, religion, health, difference, financial comfort, family, injury, reality itself and many many more. Some fear so much that there day is consumed by what they fear than actually living life. You are so caught up in what you dont want to experience that what you are suppose to experience passes you by. Fear is something created by your mind. It is formed or built and maintained or controlled by your external world. What you are shown as fear is consumed by your mind and then projected out through your eyes as your fear. If you hold those images or ideas of what fear is, then you are controlled by fear and your external world. So, you need to let go. Let go of what you fear, face them and challenge them. It is a way to set your mind free of all worries, all scares and all fears. Just stay positive, be positive to your neighbor, love, have compassion and LIVE LIFE.

What if we all let go and lived everyday fear free? Try giving it a chance, because maybe being free is one of your fears.

Make A Difference and Be Peaceful,
Andre Elia

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