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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Let It Go!

It's always hard to let things go. In our day to day routines we run into situations that won't let us forget or bog us down. We let it change our mood of the day or even let that event effect our mood with loved ones. The past is the past. You can't change it, rewind it or go back in time. But you can let that one interaction or feeling  GO! 

Just look at it as history and you must push forward to write the now. Everybody goes through things they can't handle and for some reason it falls in our laps. You must keep in mind that even though that person is a complete issue, their is someone out there who loves them just like you, They too will get old like you, they too will have good days like you, they too will interact with people with issues just like you, they too are struggling to find love somewhere, somehow. So soak in there negativity and push it aside to get the real person underneath all that bullshit. It will come out and it will shine through the dark clouds. You will then see the true genuine real person they are, full of life and love. 

Let go of the negative situation that you two are experiencing. Let go of your bad day and have a real, now experience with that person in front of you. Let go of all the baggage of your yesterdays and LIVE FOR NOW! There is a way, there is a path, there is a vision but it will be a struggle. You must believe in it for it to believe in you. LET IT GO!