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Monday, February 2, 2009


We all have different views on what pressure really means to us. What does pressure mean to you? There are a lot of different kinds of pressures in this external world. Pressures of money, marriage, work, school, culture, living conditions, beliefs, over-scheduling, behavior, relationships, values and a lot more. Most pressures are caused by events or experiences in the external world perceived by your mind. Some might fold under the pressure of how hard something is or some cannot deal with pressure at all. Pressure if not controlled will change into Stress. Stress is the main reason that your mind and body will fall apart. If it isn’t the word stress then it is force, strain, depression and oppression. Your mind and body will slowly suffer with the strain you put on it. You will eventually lose who you truly are because of pressure and stress. We have all experienced a family member or friend who has changed because of life’s pressures. I am pretty sure that most of us have changed who we are because of life’s pressures. Some pressures will mix up your emotions so bad and break you down. Making you act in ways you have never seen yourself act or in a way you don’t want to act in. It will make some cry, some yell in anger, say unmeaning words or even just pass out. Pressure will cloud your mind and will not let you think clearly.

Let’s be realistic, YOU or the WORLD isn’t perfect. So, STOP TRING TO BE PERFECT!! Be the only thing you can be…YOURSELF. You cannot control everything that happens in the world but you can control how you receive and perceive certain experiences or events in your mind. You are the controller of pressure and stress.

Try these ideas out. Try not to crowd your schedule, leave time for yourself to understand and learn YOU. Find something that makes you relaxed. Read a book, take a long bath, watch TV, think of a funny moment or joke, yoga, cook, listening to your favorite songs, anything that makes your mind at ease. Make sure to get enough sleep, for sleep will wash away all the little things that just happened in your day and leave behind the things that should be remembered. Tomorrow is a NEW day. Think of change as a new challenge, in a positive way. Drop your pride for a little bit and build a support system for yourself. Ask for HELP! All of us need help from each other to hear, learn and understand others experiences or prospective on the external world. You cannot do it by yourself. Have the power to influence, affect and control pressure. Because the idea of pressure is not present until your mind makes it present.

Make A Difference and Be Peaceful,

Andre Elia