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Friday, September 30, 2011

In Your Zone

Are you in your zone? Have you found what your zone is? 

Being in the zone is a powerful force. Being in a place or state of mind of where you should be or meeting your destiny is a powerful force. That's the zone. If you have so much passion and love in something you do with the power of belief, it's a wave of sea so strong that nobody can deny you or it. We all hold this power inside of us and only you have control of this power or becoming into your zone. Once you get into your zone, don't give up, don't let anything or anyone hold you down, remember there is always a way so keep pushing! Your zone is in you. You just have to realize it, recognize it, embrace it and BRING IT! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Let It Go!

It's always hard to let things go. In our day to day routines we run into situations that won't let us forget or bog us down. We let it change our mood of the day or even let that event effect our mood with loved ones. The past is the past. You can't change it, rewind it or go back in time. But you can let that one interaction or feeling  GO! 

Just look at it as history and you must push forward to write the now. Everybody goes through things they can't handle and for some reason it falls in our laps. You must keep in mind that even though that person is a complete issue, their is someone out there who loves them just like you, They too will get old like you, they too will have good days like you, they too will interact with people with issues just like you, they too are struggling to find love somewhere, somehow. So soak in there negativity and push it aside to get the real person underneath all that bullshit. It will come out and it will shine through the dark clouds. You will then see the true genuine real person they are, full of life and love. 

Let go of the negative situation that you two are experiencing. Let go of your bad day and have a real, now experience with that person in front of you. Let go of all the baggage of your yesterdays and LIVE FOR NOW! There is a way, there is a path, there is a vision but it will be a struggle. You must believe in it for it to believe in you. LET IT GO!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Opinions...Who needs them!!

Keep your opinions to yourself! A lot of people always have something to say about something or someone. All in the mix and don't know the flavor. It's hard sometimes to not give your opinion or even worst, letting other's opinions or approval effect you. We don't need anyone's opinions or their approvals. Those making an opinion are the ones who need to seek others for guidance. So let them TRY to effect you and blow them off with a smile. Let them feel like they have issues. 

Your world starts with you and only YOU! Nobody should have the power or have control over your way of life, your emotions, your thoughts or your love. You are your own god and you are in total control. You are the driver but you should also be the passenger and observe your driving. Calm your mind, calm your body and manifest in your mind how you want to feel or be treated in the world outside of the paradise within yourself. You will eventually show the outside world how much respect, love, happiness and peace you have within yourself and they cannot derail you or have an effect on you, your composure and the GOD within YOU! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Concentration. Desire. Obsession.


Knowing what you really want in life can be very hard and confusing. It's not easy making a life decision even as simple of a thing it might be. Every thought, every emotion, every decision creates an action. And to ever action, there's a reaction. So decide with caution! You have one shot at it, one life, but a long life...don't worry. Concentrate on that thought, on that feeling, on that vision and stay focused. Concentrate on it everyday, for everyday will make a difference towards the light at the end of your tunnel. Know what you want, know how you want to feel, know how you want to make a difference and OWN IT!  

Bring together and collect all of your energy power to focus on what you really want or dream out of life. You must bring all your positive energy power to a common center within you and manifest it into the positive power towards what you desire.


Desire is a uncontrollable burning emotion inside of all of us. It's up to you on how you ignite your fire or how you fuel it. To desire something is like believing in it so much that there is no doubt that you live it already. Don't think of desire as a wish or dream. It is a crave, a want, a longing for. Don't settle for what you can get, settle for what you WANT! Live in your mind what you desire for today...everyday. Let your desire take you to where you see, feel and should be in life.


Become obsessed with an idea, a plan, a goal that your mind, body and soul can agree on in unity. Obsession sounds like a negative word but it isn't. Think about the weight the word carries. Now imagine if you switched the powerful energy from the negative form into a positive form of energy towards something you want out of life. Be obsessed about something so strong that you can taste it, smell it or feel it. Become your obsession and you will see that your obsession will slowly become YOU.

Be peaceful & Make a difference,
Andre Ela

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Redirection of Emotions

We are all more common than you think. It doesn’t matter what race, color, language, sex, nationality or where in the world you are…we all have 24 hours in the day. So why do we let strong feelings effect our 24 hours in the day. We allow strong feelings of being mad, angry, jealous, sad, fearful, furious, being annoyed, depressed, frustrated or just plain violet. The energy spent in any of these words manifest into a burst of negative energy sent throughout your body, giving it the true hard feeling of the word. But it is just a word, an emotion, a thought all processed by your mind that signals through your brain, then through your veins. In turn, makes you react in ways that you do not want to, say things you don’t mean, act in ways that will effect your life completely, doesn’t reflect who you truly are and sometimes leaves you wondering who that person in you, really is.

Redirecting that negative energy can be life changing. Sending that energy through the proper channels to transform it into a burst of charge to ignite a positive movement in you. Learn how to use that negative feed and make it work for you. Make it burst into positive vibes through your mind, blood, body and then let it radiate to others outside of you.

Make A Difference & Live Peaceful,

Andre Elia

Monday, February 2, 2009


We all have different views on what pressure really means to us. What does pressure mean to you? There are a lot of different kinds of pressures in this external world. Pressures of money, marriage, work, school, culture, living conditions, beliefs, over-scheduling, behavior, relationships, values and a lot more. Most pressures are caused by events or experiences in the external world perceived by your mind. Some might fold under the pressure of how hard something is or some cannot deal with pressure at all. Pressure if not controlled will change into Stress. Stress is the main reason that your mind and body will fall apart. If it isn’t the word stress then it is force, strain, depression and oppression. Your mind and body will slowly suffer with the strain you put on it. You will eventually lose who you truly are because of pressure and stress. We have all experienced a family member or friend who has changed because of life’s pressures. I am pretty sure that most of us have changed who we are because of life’s pressures. Some pressures will mix up your emotions so bad and break you down. Making you act in ways you have never seen yourself act or in a way you don’t want to act in. It will make some cry, some yell in anger, say unmeaning words or even just pass out. Pressure will cloud your mind and will not let you think clearly.

Let’s be realistic, YOU or the WORLD isn’t perfect. So, STOP TRING TO BE PERFECT!! Be the only thing you can be…YOURSELF. You cannot control everything that happens in the world but you can control how you receive and perceive certain experiences or events in your mind. You are the controller of pressure and stress.

Try these ideas out. Try not to crowd your schedule, leave time for yourself to understand and learn YOU. Find something that makes you relaxed. Read a book, take a long bath, watch TV, think of a funny moment or joke, yoga, cook, listening to your favorite songs, anything that makes your mind at ease. Make sure to get enough sleep, for sleep will wash away all the little things that just happened in your day and leave behind the things that should be remembered. Tomorrow is a NEW day. Think of change as a new challenge, in a positive way. Drop your pride for a little bit and build a support system for yourself. Ask for HELP! All of us need help from each other to hear, learn and understand others experiences or prospective on the external world. You cannot do it by yourself. Have the power to influence, affect and control pressure. Because the idea of pressure is not present until your mind makes it present.

Make A Difference and Be Peaceful,

Andre Elia

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Small World After All

Ever thought of how small the world is? I know I have. You sit there and just imagine the world working with or without you. It makes you feel like an ant in an ocean of storms. It makes most things feel untouchable or unbearable to you or even your imagination. Well things are not as far as you think.

Imagine that you can touch the whole world, that you can simply change the people around you or you can change the world completely. It can be as simple as a nice gesture like “have a nice day”, to giving a homeless person money or it can be as big as changing the occupation of your country through love and non-violence, as Ghandi did with India. Just imagine how much of the world you can effect. If you effect that one person’s day or life, just think how that person can change another persons life and so on and so on and so on. You just have touched thousands of people’s lives without any notice, without any attention, without any fame behind it. YOU just changed the world! Sometimes you just don’t need to know…just know that you changed that person’s life and hopefully, that person will return the favor to the next person. Because whether you believe in it or not, a higher being, power or GOD notices.

So, why not effect people in a positive way. In a helpful way, in way that you know you can help in. Weather it be financially or as rich and valuable as your words, YOU can make the difference. Just believe that it will touch the world and it will. Good deeds never go unspoken, they will live FOREVER.

Make a Difference and Live Peaceful,
Andre Elia