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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Concentration. Desire. Obsession.


Knowing what you really want in life can be very hard and confusing. It's not easy making a life decision even as simple of a thing it might be. Every thought, every emotion, every decision creates an action. And to ever action, there's a reaction. So decide with caution! You have one shot at it, one life, but a long life...don't worry. Concentrate on that thought, on that feeling, on that vision and stay focused. Concentrate on it everyday, for everyday will make a difference towards the light at the end of your tunnel. Know what you want, know how you want to feel, know how you want to make a difference and OWN IT!  

Bring together and collect all of your energy power to focus on what you really want or dream out of life. You must bring all your positive energy power to a common center within you and manifest it into the positive power towards what you desire.


Desire is a uncontrollable burning emotion inside of all of us. It's up to you on how you ignite your fire or how you fuel it. To desire something is like believing in it so much that there is no doubt that you live it already. Don't think of desire as a wish or dream. It is a crave, a want, a longing for. Don't settle for what you can get, settle for what you WANT! Live in your mind what you desire for today...everyday. Let your desire take you to where you see, feel and should be in life.


Become obsessed with an idea, a plan, a goal that your mind, body and soul can agree on in unity. Obsession sounds like a negative word but it isn't. Think about the weight the word carries. Now imagine if you switched the powerful energy from the negative form into a positive form of energy towards something you want out of life. Be obsessed about something so strong that you can taste it, smell it or feel it. Become your obsession and you will see that your obsession will slowly become YOU.

Be peaceful & Make a difference,
Andre Ela